Upcoming Events

ETN website

Engage the Nations: Info Session

Sunday, February 16 | 7 - 8:30 PM

Join us this summer as we partner and pray against human trafficking in Southeast Asia alongside our missionaries stationed in Thailand. We're looking for 12 individuals who are post-college (or seniors in college), have a passion for intercession, and anyone with specific skill sets such as those in the medical field, teaching, social work, media, and more to serve as an intern from May 22-August 10. We will pray, share the gospel, and take our practical skill sets to the nation of Thailand.

Email our Base Leader, Rosie, at rosieholmes@accboston.org for the info session zoom link.

potluck (1)

Taste of Home Potluck

Sunday, February 23 | 12:15 PM

We want to be like Jesus, who gathered people to eat meals together! Join us right after the service on February 23 for a church potluck. Bring a main dish, side, or dessert to share that tastes like home.

prayer and fast

Antioch Movement Prayer & Fast

February 24 - 26

Join in unity with others across the Antioch Movement as we set aside three days to pray and fast, seeking God and specifically praying into this year's word of the Lord: Prepare(d) for Harvest.

The Marriage Course

The Marriage Course

Sundays, February 23 - April 6 | 6 - 8 PM

The Marriage Course is for any married couple looking to invest in their relationship. The curriculum is designed around a relaxing dinner date with your spouse each week. Onsite (but out of hearing) childcare will be provided. Register here. You can learn more about the course here.

Copy of ADS Cake Auction (360 x 280 px)

Cake Auction

Sunday, March 9 | Noon

Join us for our annual Antioch Discipleship School Cake Auction fundraiser! After spending a year focused on growing as disciples of Jesus, this year’s ADS class will head out on a mission trip to Thailand this summer to partner with our long-term team’s anti-trafficking work. We want to help send them by getting them fully funded! Bring your wallet or venmo account and get together with your Lifegroup to bid on some delicious cakes! The cake auction will take place directly after the service.

men's volunteer weekend

Men's Volunteer Weekend

April 26 - 27

If you are a man, you're invited to spend the weekend together with other men in our church at Toah Nipi Retreat Center in Rindge, New Hampshire. We'll work on projects together to help Toah Nipi get ready for the season. This is a great opportunity to grow in community while serving together. Room and board will be provided. Sign up here. Questions? Contact Michael.

Behind the scenes of the music video (360 x 280 px)

Jesus Hour

Saturdays, 9 - 10:30 AM

The vision of Jesus Hour is to create regular spaces of worship during the week. Through these times of worship, we hope you will feel welcomed into the presence of the Lord and be trained on how to worship Jesus! The invitation to participate is open to all of Antioch New England. Join us at 17 Spruce St, Waltham. Questions? Contact Jonathan.

Outreach Hour webpage

Outreach Hour

August - January | First and Final Sunday

Do you want to grow in the gift of evangelism? Do you long to share the good news of Jesus with the people of Brighton? Meet at Rogers Park before church at 9 AM for Outreach Hour. The group first prays, asking God what is on His heart that morning, then pairs up and engages with the community. This may look like prayer walking, talking to a new person, and sharing the gospel. This is a great opportunity to follow Jesus' instruction to us as believers to "go and make disciples of all nations" (Matthew 28:19). At Outreach Hour, we give you the environment, tools, and space to become bolder than you ever imagined possible. Contact Jake with any questions or to RSVP.
miracle mile website

Miracle Mile Ministries

Saturdays | 8 - 11 AM

Miracle Mile Ministries is a partnership with several other churches based at Congregación León de Judá to serve our neighbors without dwellings. Join us on Saturday mornings as we serve breakfast, build relationship, and share the love of Jesus with neighbors in the community! Sign up here to serve.

house of prayer

Monday Night House of Prayer

Mondays | 7 - 9 PM

House of Prayer is a space dedicated to connecting to God. We spend time reading and praying through Scripture, interceding for things God has put on our hearts, praying for one another, worshiping and journaling. Each Monday may look a little different. We seek to create space to connect with God, explore prayer, and practice hearing God's voice. Partnering with God in prayer shifts and changes things in our lives, the Church, and the world around us. Join us at Cafenation.
21-day prayer (1)

21-Day Prayer

Every third Saturday | 10:30 AM - 1 PM

Join us for Spirit-led prayer on Saturday mornings every three weeks (i.e. every 21 days). We will engage in prayer as we ask God to bring breakthrough in our lives! This will be a space to invite Holy Spirit and be submitted to His leading. We will be gathering in Avon - contact Lija for the address. Click here for the 2025 schedule.
women's prayer

Good News Tuesday

Tuesdays | 6:30 - 8:30 AM

Join us for a weekly women's prayer call! We gather every Tuesday morning to pray. As we consistently meet to pray, we have seen God abundantly answering our prayers and providing us with good news to share. Join the call here. Questions? Contact Lija.

ANE prayer

Antioch New England Prayer

Wednesdays | 6 - 6:30 AM

You are invited to a time of weekly prayer! Join us on Wednesday mornings for 30 minutes of prayer for our Antioch New England churches, the nations, the lost in our cities, and for justice and unity. Connect on zoom.



abiding prayer

Abiding Prayer

Fridays | 6 - 7 AM

Come and practice abiding with Jesus through stillness, contemplative prayer, lectio divina (Scripture meditation), and intercession. Contact Sophia for the Zoom link.



Stay in the loop

We send out weekly updates about ways we’re meeting together, how to get involved and connect with others. Note: we will never forward your information to third parties, and you can unsubscribe easily at any time.